Well this week was really busy, I
felt like I was out of my area more than I was in it, but a lot of cool things
happened and I had a lot of fun!!
First of all I went up to Lake
Isabella with Elder Hatch, he is really funny! We worked really hard. I think
the weirdest part of it all was we went and did some service for this guy, what
we ended up doing is cutting a motor home in half. We took the top off so he
could use it for a trailer. It was really cool!! It was something I have never
seen before, it felt pretty cool ripping the top off! haha. Other than that the
exchange went really well, we taught a guy who has a baptismal date for
September 14th!! His name is Chris, he has been trying to quit smoking for a
while and is down to one cigarette a day, so we challenged him to not smoke at
all for one day to see how it went. I guess he did it and said that he loved it
and felt really healthy!!! It was an awesome feeling to see someone succeed in
something they have been trying to kick for a long time.
Friday at the temple was amazing!!!
I learned so much and felt the spirit really strongly!! We had a chapel session
with the temple president, he talked about the priesthood and what it really
is. Of course he said the priesthood is service, but he also said that the
priesthood is the Holy Ghost. I have never really thought of that before, that
the way that we serve others with the priesthood is really the spirit, whether
it be a blessing or an ordinance or advice. It all comes from the Holy Ghost!! It’s been really nice thinking about this this
past week and trying to come closer to the spirit so I can use the priesthood
more often and bless others through it.
Yesterday was really good, we saw so
many miracles ... first the Young Women’s president came up to us and told us
that there were two girls who went to girls camp who asked her if they could
get baptized and told her that they are going to ask their parents if it would
be cool. The second was the first counselor in the YW presidency came up and
said hey there is a girl here that has been coming to church for three months
and has gone to girls camp the last four years who wants to be baptized and her
parents gave her permission ... my jaw dropped!! haha So to make sure this was for real we gave her a
permission slip to have her parents sign to make sure they really gave her
permission. We told her we would come by the house at 3:30 and if it’s signed
we will start the lessons. So 3:30 rolls around and we go to the members home
and she hands us a paper signed and dated with permission to teach her. I
almost started laughing cause it seemed too good to be true!! We taught the
restoration and the girl (Emily) basically taught us the lesson because she had
been going to church for so long. We asked her if she was reading the Book of Mormon
and she told us that she was almost done with 1st Nephi and that she felt it
was true. So we asked her to get baptized and she accepted, so she is going to
get baptized August 17th. It was an awesome Sunday!
So that referral that we got from
the other elders I guess has dropped off the radar and isn’t getting baptized
any more ... It’s kinda sad that we don't know where she is or how to find her
because she was doing so great and making progress ...
Other than that everything was
great!! I had a fun week!!
I love you all and hope that you are
doing well!!!
Elder Garrett
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