Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Letter from January 23rd

Hey family!!!!!
Hows the snow!!!!???? ha ha ha ha its great here in California!
Last week Elder W. Craig Zwick came to our mission. He was pretty dang intense, it was really great. He talked about change and how we all need to be better. I'm pretty sure that I have a lot to change and become better! He talked about the doctrine of Christ and how we all need to be aligned with it or our life doesn't have direction. And the he promised all the missionaries in the room the coolest thing in the world. That all of us in that room would be married in the temple and that we would be married for life and eternity! So yeah that was pretty intense! 
We had a great week! Elder Wenz and I are working hard! We have been teaching a lot of people and really helping them come closer to Jesus Christ. And the way we have been doing it is telling them to read the Book of Mormon! That book chnges lifes and performs miracles.
One of our investigators, Mark, has been reading the Book of Mormon non stop for two months! He just barely started over again. We asked him what the book has done for him and he said first off it makes me happier and second off it lets me know what I need to do in this life, and third it is a awesome story!!! It was the best answer ever. Elder Wenz and I were so blessed to find him and be able to teach him! We have noticed the change in him and the change is great, he is smiling more and he is excited to be baptized on February 4th. We are also teaching his little brother Pierce who is 14. He has been to church a lot before and told us that he knows that the church is true and that the Book of Mormon is of Jesus Christ and that he has been waiting for a while for the opportunity to be baptized to come up. I don't understand why the Lord is blessing Elder Wenz and I so much but I'm extremely grateful for it!
Yesterday at church I really came to feel the power of the Sacrament. Its so important for us to take it, and allow the power of the Atonement to work on us and make it possible for us to feel clean. After I took the sacrament I felt that relief and that burden lifted of my chest. I'm so grateful for Jesus Christ and his influence on me.
Well I miss you all so dang much and I know that you miss me right??? ha ha 
I'm going to be sending some letters today hopefully!
Love Elder Garrett

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