Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hey Family!!
Saturday was the best day of my mission! Nancy was baptized, she is so awesome! Right before she went into the water she started crying, she has been waiting for so long to be baptized, it was such a touching moment. She was confirmed on Sunday and she asked me and Elder Wenz if we would stand in on the confirmation. She gave a talk in sacrament meeting about baptism, she bore her testimony at the end of her talk and the spirit was so strong! I'm so grateful for her and the impact that she has on so many people.
Mark finally came to church! He was there to hear Nancy's talk. He said that he loved it and that he was excited to come back next week! He is so funny, he was commenting in gospel principles, Bishop came up to him and asked if he was a member already cause Mark was talking about the plan of salvation in depth, he said no, but the missionaries are teaching me it and I believe its true! I almost cried I was so happy!
But I'm so grateful for the chance to be with Elder Wenz for another transfer! He is amazing and is teaching me tons. I truly love him and I know that the Lord put us together so that he could teach me how to be a better missionary! I'm having so much fun right now and the work in our area is going great.
Oh and we got a car for a little bit cause the sisters in the area got transferred out for some reason.  Since Elder Wenz is still hurt he can't drive the car, so I get to DRIVE!! Its so cool. It was wierd at first, but its all good now.
Hope you all had a great New year and you didn't party too hard.  I went to bed at ten, what a way to welcome 2012 right???
Love you all so much,
Elder Garrett

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